Legistation of Registration (Kimyasalların Kaydı,), Evaluation( Değerlendirmesi),, Authorisation (İzni) and Restriction of Chemicals (Kısıtlanması) has been announced by Environment and Urban Ministry in 30105 numbered official newspaper on 23th June 2017 ,and it comes into foce on 23th June 2017. The aim of this legistation is to save human health and environment at high level, to encourage to the alternatives for evaluation about hazardous of the materials, to increase competition and innovation . Administration, technical way and principals of its which are related to Registration (Kimyasalların Kaydı,), Evaluation( Değerlendirmesi),, Authorisation (İzni) and Restriction of Chemicals (Kısıtlanması) are arranged. Importers who import the material as pure or inside a mixture more than one tone annually , or manufacturers who manufacture the substance as itself or inside a mixture more than one tone annually, must pre-register their substances and then register on KKS stands for Chemical Registration System in Turkish. The materials which are not registered after 1st January 2024 can be imported and manufactured only if registaration is completed. Services providing by Başkent Consultancy about TURKEY REACH (KKDIK) are listed:
- The determination of manufactured or imported materials,
- If the determination of scope of KKDIK or not,
- Preparation of Chemical Safety Report (SDS/MSDS)/ Extented Safety Data Sheet,
- Preparation of (e-SDS/ Extented Safety Data Sheet),
- Third party representative services,
- Only representative services,
- Substance Information Exchange Forum (SIEF),
- Consortium
To get more informatiton you can contact with us and send e-mail to kkdik@baskent.com.tr .