If you are a company supplying or purchasing chemical substances, mixtures or articles to and from the EU / EEA / Northern Ireland and Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) you are expected to comply with EU and UK REACH regulations.

The EU REACH Regulation came into force on 1 June 2007 in order to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be stemmed by chemical substances and mixtures. 

As a result of Brexit, the EU REACH regulation was implemented into UK law on 01 January 2021 under the name of UK REACH.

There may have been significant changes to your responsibilities under the UK REACH. it's crucial to review your role.

As Baskent Consulting, we assist our clients not to encounter any difficulties when registering their substances and mixtures under the REACH scheme. 

Our services include:

Follow the links to learn general information about our services.​

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08.30 – 18.00