
As the Brexit transition period has come to an end on 01 January 2021, 120 days countdown started for taking action to grandfather your registrations under EU REACH.

Grandfathering is the process that allows you to transfer EU REACH registrations to the UK REACH system. Grandfathering gives you permission to access to GB market. Grandfathering contains some steps. While transferring the registration to the UK System, notification of initial information is sufficient.

However, full information is required to be submitted via COMPLY WITH UK within 2, 4 or 6 years plus 300 days following the end of the TRANSITION PERIOD. 2, 4 or 6 years are associated with tonnage band and hazardous properties of the substance.

The list shown below represents who should take action to grandfather their registrations prior to 1 May 2021: 

  • GB-based registration holders,
  • GB-based legal entities that held an EU REACH registration and transferred it to an EU-based legal entity at any point after 29th March 2017 (the date the UK notified its intention to leave the EU) and before the end of the Transition Period.
  • GB based only representatives,
  • GB based legal entities,
  • GB based legal entities to whom the EU REACH registration was transferred by another GB based legal entity.
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