What is product tracking system?

The Product Monitoring System (UTS) and cosmetic product management functions were launched on 2 March 2016. It is the system where registration procedures and user transactions of cosmetic companies and notification processes of cosmetic products are carried out through UTS. WHO HAVE TO MAKE COSMETIC NOTIFICATION? Regardless of the importer or domestic producer, any cosmetic product to be placed on the market should be notified. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RESPONSIBLE STAFFIn accordance with the Cosmetics Legislation, the companies cannot be operated without employing the responsible technical staff and the personnel required by the service. Cosmetic product notification processes are not allowed. The manufacturer must have a responsible technical staff with the appropriate level of professional competence and the necessary experience. This person may be appointed as a chemist, biochemist, chemical engineer, biologist or microbiologist responsible technical staff; provided that he/she certifies that he/she has actually worked for two years in the field of Pharmacist or cosmetics. The responsible technical staff is responsible for checking the product's cosmetic legislation, good manufacturing practices and compliance with other relevant legislation. Please contact us for our responsible technical staff service.

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